Saturday, December 29, 2018

Family Holidays - 2018

2018 did not see a lot of blog posts from the Rainbow Magic Sparkle Butterfly, but I hope that 2019 will be a more active year.  I close out the year fondly remembering the good times and having the will in my heart to look at the bad times as good learning experiences that provide hope for the future.  Here are some photos to chronicle our holiday season this year. 

Playing Scrabble at Thanksgiving

 Christmas Hedwig

Our patio looks very festive this year.

The pansies and fern are doing well.  Our temps have only gotten below freezing a couple of times.



 Pumpkin performing tricks on Christmas morning.

 Merlin snoozing under the Christmas tree.

 Amelia's perch to watch birds and squirrels.

The reluctant Christmas lion - Merlin.

Who is that lion?

Morgan watching who's coming down the stairs.

Morgan with her Christmas rat.

 Our gumdrop tree with spice gumdrops.

 Mama finally got her antique Christmas clock this year.


  The wax covered amaryllis I purchased were beautiful.

Blackberry pie.

 When Pumpkin visits she greets all newcomers!

 Our Christmas mantle.


Christmas salmon is ready to go in the oven.

The vegetables are ready for roasting in the oven.

Wild rice is done.

 Our Christmas dinner table.  Our advent wreath glows in the evening.


 A toast to 2019.  Prayers for a good new year.

 Pumpkin is always waiting for a morsel to fall to the floor.

The holy family.

Both amaryllis bloomed on Christmas day and adorned the holy family.

I cut out different snowflakes this year for decorations.

We wish all our dear friends and family a happy holiday season.

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