Monday, November 11, 2013

Fall Roses and Flowers in North Texas Before First Freeze in November 2013

We have had almost 4" of rain at my house beginning in October 2013 here in North Texas.  Here is a good link to rainfall data.

A friend of mine gave me the seeds for these beautiful flowers.  They bloom in the fall - I took these pics about 2 weeks ago.  I have heard them call naked ladies because there is no foliage when they are blooming.  I think the typical name for them though is Red Spider Lilies.

I ordered most of my antique roses seen in the pictures below from the Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, TX.  I think fall is the best time to plant roses.

This is one of several large antique climbing roses on my back fence.  All of the pictures in this blog post were taken now, in fall 2013.  You can see pictures of the roses in the spring in my earlier blog posts for comparison.

Mutabulis.  The roses go through different colors as they age and look like butterflies from a distance.  For reference on the size of the bush, the fence is 6' feet tall.

Blue Salvia.

 Festus is posing with the Salvia.

My largest antique climbing rose.  This the most healthy one - no problems with black spot.  I don't know the name, but remember that the fence is just 6' tall!

My husband just built this footpath to the vegetable garden.  We are loving it - no more muddy feet.

Two Belinda's Dream (pink) and two Red Knock Out roses behind the pool.

Pics of some porch pots before the first freeze tonight.  This is Cuban Oregano in bloom.  A large Rosemary plant is behind it. 

Asparagus fern

This is a beautiful antique rose bush that it very healthy and has no trouble with black spot.  A Knock Out rose is in the back.  Red Salvia Greggi is also still blooming although the hummingbirds are long gone in November.

This small antique rose bush has serious issues with black spot.  However, it has pretty blooms and beautiful rose hips so I am not cutting it down.

Mexican marigold in the front always blooms in the fall and is a perennial.  I cut it back after the freeze.  Considered an herb, its foliage has a beautiful fragrance.  A Red Knock Out rose is in the back and Rosemary further back.

Belinda's Dream Rose with red Salvia Greggii and Mexican Marigold in the bed next to my driveway.

Close up shots of Belinda's Dream. 

This white antique rose in the front yard.  This rose has serious trouble with black spot.  However, it has such beautiful spring and fall blooms that I can't bring myself to cut it down.  See Festus checking out the garden.

Up close shot of this beautiful white rose.

I'll finish this post with a picture of my front porch in fall.  I bought two beautiful hanging baskets this Spring at the Dallas Farmer's Market.  They have looked wonderful all season, even during the hot summer.  The baskets are full of different varieties of Wandering Jew and Swedish Ivy.  All are in bloom.  Experience has shown me that these plants will take a little freezing weather but cannot sustain several days of sub freezing temperatures.  I'll be sad when the cold weather eventually kills them.  I just don't have room in my garage to over winter them.  The large Aloe Vera on the left will overwinter in the garage.

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