Sunday, May 5, 2013

Update on Vegetable Garden - Early May 2013

I thought it was time I posted about the current happenings in our vegie garden.

The broccoli will be playing out soon - we are cutting heads often.  It won't be long before we harvest the cabbage - when it starts getting hot.

Joe just added another "board layer" yesterday to the Potato Box along with extra soil.

This is side view of inner strawberry planters- we replaced the strawberries this year with peppers, carrots, eggplant, and herbs.

Back view - you can see that the tomato plants survived the late cold snaps.

It won't be long before the onions are ready to harvest.  Also - note the trellis behind the garden - we have several varieties of grapes growing on them.

Back view of tomatoes - just put the cages on the tomatoes.

See peppers on the bottom row.  Carrots and swiss chard on the center planter.  Joe planted parsnips on the top.

I found 2 bulbs of garlic at the store for .69 per bulb.  That was a lot cheaper than the garlic sold in the gardening section - I thought it was worth a shot and hoped it hadn't been treated to not sprout.  Good call - look at all the garlic in the bottom section - I'll be giving a lot of it away. The chives are also blooming (note purple flowers - I need to cut give them a serious haircut).  The Cilantro is also getting out of control.  It needs to be chopped.  Asparagus on the top and back has already been harvested for the season.

This is our compost bin that Joe built.  It is amazing how much kitchen waste and chicken poop we put in it and how it degrades so quickly.

The beans are coming up.

This is a separate garden bed - we planted zucchini.  In the back notice that our chickens just got let out.  They are searching for bugs.

See squash coming up on planter in the foreground - bottom row.

Good view of the peppers on bottom row.

Another shot of the beans

Our chicken tractor that Joe built - you can see the solar panel on the top left side of the fan he installed to keep it somewhat cooler during the hot summer months.

We have 5 hens.  In order - Australorps (Joanie), Rhode Island Red (Rosie), Ameraucana (Clara), Barred Rock (Pearl), and a Delaware (Myrtle).  We don't let them out all the time because our previous Barred Rock was killed by a hawk while my daughter was in the back yard with them!


  1. That is a great design for your raised beds. The are attractive and functional. And very large from what I can tell in the photos.

  2. Thank you! My husband built them - his design. We do harvest a lot from them. We are thinking about adding one more rectangular bed (maybe next year).
